Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory

The Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory assessments we use in evaluating an individual’s or organisation’s emotional intelligence key competences and behaviours could be applied before, during or after a training engagement.

Leadership key competencies are being measured before and after training, using the Self-Report, 180 or 360 feedback reports design to identify areas for improvement in either leadership, workplace behaviour, recruitment, sales or organisational culture. Core Purpose uses the Genos International Inventory because they have spent the last decade perfecting a suite of emotional intelligence, motivation and employee engagement assessments and programs, comprise high academic credibility and are widely used by Fortune 500 companies.
Please explore details of our most popular surveys listed below.


The EI Leader

Boost essential leadership skills, at identifying, understanding, and influencing emotion.

The Resilient Leader

Manage your emotions in healthy ways, and easily adapt to changing circumstances.

The Mindful Leader

Adopt techniques to develop greater levels of self-awareness and self-management.

The Engaging Leader

Develop awareness of others, emotional reasoning and how to positively influence others.