Sales and Customer Service EQ Assessments


In sales, emotional intelligence is seen in a salesperson's ability to sense and understand emotions and to effectively communicate during interactions with buyers. In other words, they are self-motivated, stronger at dealing effectively with set-backs, and make decisions confidently.

We use the 360 or 180 Genos Emotionally Intelligent Behaviour survey to measure how well team members on Sales and Customer Service roles demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviours. The better they demonstrate the behaviours measured, the more effective their work performance is.

Sales team members high in emotional intelligence

  • can reflect on their own emotions and adjust them to best fit with the buyer and situation they are dealing with them in
  • can anticipate and plan sales interactions to help ensure the buyer feels valued and confident in dealing with them.
  • are more capable of regulating their own emotions, adapting, and influencing the emotions of buyers in a subtle way that brings about positive interactions.

Transform the Experience of Buyers

Buyers purchase services and products based on emotion and justify their choice with logic. It is the connection the salesperson makes and how well they work through the buyer’s objections. How well the salesperson delivers on their promises, maintains the relationship and helps the buyer navigate internal disagreements that helps keep them loyal. Emotional intelligence is the critical competency underpinning all this.

Emotional intelligence can and should be developed and improved over time. All that is required is a desire to improve, a foundation of self-awareness and practice. The personalised Genos EI Sales Report is designed to provide this foundation of self-awareness. It is the starting point for a developmental journey.

Assessing the Emotional Quotient (EQ) in Workplace Behaviour

EQ is defined as a set of competencies demonstrating the ability to recognise own behaviours, moods, and reactions or impulses, and to manage them best according to the situation.

The feedback report indicates the areas for improvement and where training would be beneficial to the person.

The competencies of the model below illustrate the key competencies being measured (in the middle column). The productive states are listed on the right side of the model, while the unproductive (or counterproductive) states on the left.

Assessment Feedback Report

EI Sales Behaviour


This individual assessment report presents how well an individual believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, and how important they believe it is to do so.

Contains: Self-Assessment Results.



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EI Sales Behaviour 180°

Feedback Report

This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters.

Contains: Feedback from Colleagues and Customers.



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EI Sales Behaviour 360°

Feedback Report

This report presents how well an individual demonstrates emotionally intelligent sales behaviour, how important it is to colleagues that they do so, and qualitative comments from raters. Contains: Feedback from Multiple Rater Categories including Customers.



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Assessment Key Features

  • Simple and secure administration platform which makes it easy to set up survey groups- It takes 15 min to complete.
  • Raters can complete the survey on their phone, tablet, PC or Mac, anywhere, at any time.
  • The Assessment validates whether emotionally intelligent competencies are important for a specific person, at a specific point in time, in the performance of their work.
  • There are 42 items in the survey - 7 for each emotional intelligence competency of the model.

EI Training

People successfully completing our training programs feel better at work, maintain a positive work environment, are better leaders that positively influence and engage their team members. Employers want people who can effectively make decisions in stressful situations, are resilient, authentic, and can empathize with the needs of their colleagues and clients.

Explore our EI training programmes

More assessments


Workplace Behaviour


Emotional Climate at Work